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Wednesday, June 18, 2014

A Man's First Date

Am I getting to old for this?  A first date.  Really?

I am almost 40 years old.  I am alone sitting in my house in Los Gatos, CA.  It is the night before the big day.  I am so nervous.  I can not sleep.  As a man I had always dreamt of the day I would find that special someone.  And I know this is it.  So ..... I must do my absolute best to clean up and prepare for our first date.

There is not enough instructions or tips on how to prepare for a first date.  Therefore I have created my own list of How to Prepare for The First Date.

Step 1.  Get a Haircut.  A girl likes a man with a clean cut and hairstyle.  I do not have cool, surfer, wavy hair or honestly any hairstyle, but I do have a few gray streaks and that makes it that much more important to get a clean cut or trim and use some Just For Men - Blend - to make me look a little more mature and possibly younger.  You should do the same.

Step 2.  Have a Shave.  Most girls like men with a clean, smooth face.  We have all seen the television commercials- a girl and a man at cheek to cheek and massaging their chin and face and skin. There is something heartfelt and special about the tender touch of a hand on the face with smooth skin.

Step 3.  Trim Hairs Around or In Ears, Eyebrows and Nose.  Without a doubt, a girl likes a man that does not have excessive or extra hairs around or in places other than around or over the eyes and on the top of the head, and perhaps the legs too.  Therefore, all the bushy eyebrow hairs and ear and nose hairs- GONE!  Zzzzt!

Step 4.  Lay Out a Best Outfit.  Girls can tell a lot about a man by the way he dresses and smells. You do not want her to think you are a bum or dud.  You should honor and respect her and dress to impress- especially on the first date.  So, lay out a best outfit at nighttime so you will be ready, and that makes for less stress.

Step 5.  Practice Giving Gentle Hugs and Soft Kisses.  A girl may or may not want to be kissed on a first date.  I am not the pushy type.  I am respectful of all women. You?  And as a result you may not want to give any hugs or kisses.  But this is a different feeling and a different time, and I know we will kiss on our first date.  It's inevitable.  And I also know she will want gentle hugs with those soft kisses because she communicates and moves and seems like she wants to be comforted, held and loved.  You know what they say- "Practice makes perfect."  And practice giving hugs and kisses you must.

Step 6.  Prepare: Take a Gift and Welcome Her Into Your World.  Girls just wants to be admired, beautiful, loved and respected.  And most girls want to be heard, and laugh with and love someone too. And I believe all girls ought to be shown how a lady should be treated.  But you must be your real self too.  A girl can see right through fraud. They can hear and see distrust or evil for miles.  And there is no need or time for that, especially at my age or anytime for that matter.  Like me, you want her to be a part of your life and world, so bring and give her a card and flowers, gifts per se, and listen to her and make her feel comfortable so she can get to know you and understand your one heart and soul.

There are many steps and tips about First Dates.  But no step or tip can diminish or reduce the amount of anxiety of The First Date.  For I am very anxious and sleepless because it is my first date with this girl and her first date ever in this world. I know she will be perfect.  I know she will be mine.  I really can't wait to love and see her.

I hope she will feel the same.

..... JUNE 18, 2014 ..... 

WELCOME TO OUR KAZMUCHA Family.  We have been waiting for you.  Love, Dad


  1. Very sweet! Lucky little Kazmucha girl!

  2. Great blog! She's lucky to have you as a Dad.

  3. Nice unexpected twist at the end, congrats!
